— Fear or joy —

Studies have revealed that many old people in Western societies live in isolation and loneliness. Those isolated may also fear being victims of crime. While perhaps not being as extreme as fear, anxiety and depression are versions of it. As the ageing populations of the Western World increase, the number of older people becoming homeless is also increasing. Homelessness is a particular problem where, upon retirement, those who rent find that pensions do not meet the demands of rising rents, let alone food and medication.

Even in old age, some may not escape the ordeal of litigation or related forms of persecution. Robert Burns had a good father, William, who struggled against hopeless odds all his life to try to support and educate his family. He was finally ruined by a combination of landlords and litigation. At this point the poor man finally died.

Burns wrote:

'Death, the poor man's dearest friend,
The kindest and the best.'

How many unfortunate people are there worldwide who might also find death their dearest friend in the face of injustice and the evil of litigation being used to destroy them for commercial gain, malice or fanaticism?

A fortunate, or perhaps blessed, few do escape fear and find joy in old age, but for those oppressed by circumstances or injustice the signals that death is imminent could be a joyful release, or at least bring a blessed peace where they are now free from further threat or fear.

Life can also bring great loss, which can come about in many ways: displacement from one's native land, the death of a spouse or a child, or the end of a loving relationship. In the English-speaking countries, children can be seized and placed into foster care by the state.

This threat of loss forms a background to what follows in the musings below.

Assault on the man woman union

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